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General Settings

In General Settings, you will have access to modify the main global settings of the Modern Events Calendar, such as SEO, categorizing ...

Hakan Turan avatar
Written by Hakan Turan
Updated over 4 months ago

In General Settings, you will have access to modify the main global settings of the Modern Events Calendar, such as SEO, categorizing, and indexing for search engines. Not to mention sorting out your events.

In this section, you will find two tabs: Basic and Advanced. The Basic tab includes the essential settings necessary for MEC to operate correctly. The Advanced tab contains more intricate settings that allow users to add additional features to their calendars.

General Settings Basic Tab

General Settings

1. Hide Events

This feature displays the events’ start and end times on the website’s front end. It includes options for On Event Start, +1 Hour after Start, +2 Hours after Start, and On Event End, all of which indicate when the event disappears from the Shortcodes.

2. Multiple Day Events Show

When displaying multiple-day events on the front end, you can show either all days or just the first day. To display only the date for the first day of the event, choose the First day on the list/grid/slider/agenda skins or the First day on all skins. Alternatively, if you want to display the dates for all event days, select All Days.

Note: This option doesn’t work on the General Calendar view.

3. Weekdays

You can adjust the days of the week according to your geographical location.

4. Weekends

You can customize the last day of the week based on your location.

5. Datepicker Format

You have the option to modify the date picker format on MEC.

6. Midnight Hour

This feature allows you to display events that span across two days as a single-day event. By default, midnight is considered as 12 AM. However, if your event ends after midnight and you want to avoid being counted as a multi-day event, you can adjust the default setting.

Note: This option doesn’t work on the General Calendar view.

General Settings Advanced Tab

General Settings

1. Exclude Date Suffix

If you enable this option, the ‘th’ suffix will be removed from the dates in the monthly view skin. For example, ’12th’ will be displayed as ’12’.

General Settings

2. Schema

You can turn Schema scripts on/off. (Learn more about Schema code).

3. Add Event Wizard

Enabling this option will open your add event wizard as a popup window.

4. Add Shortcode Wizard

Enabling this option will open your add shortcode wizard as a popup window.

5. Include Event Featured Image in RSS Feed

Selecting this option will display the featured image of the events in the RSS feed.

6. Fallback Featured Image

If you enable this option, you can add featured images to your event categories. To do this, go to the Categories section in the M.E. Calendar menu and scroll down to the bottom of the page to set the fallback image.

General Settings

7. Tag Method

You can establish a unique event tagging system by choosing this option. If you select Post Tags, the tags for your events will be shared with the default tags in WordPress. However, if you choose Independent tag, a new tagging system will be created specifically for MEC events.

8. Admin Calendar

By enabling this feature, a calendar view will be included in the backend event manager with the ability to navigate through the months.

9. Display powered by URL

Once enabled, a link to the MEC website will be displayed beneath the shortcodes. While not required, turning on this option will introduce MEC to your website visitors and greatly assist us.

10. iCal Feed

By providing users with your iCal feed link, they can easily add all of your events to their calendars. The feed will be automatically checked by their calendar, ensuring that any changes are immediately reflected (as they are subscribed to your feed).

general settings 0002 - General Settings

Include Only Upcoming Events

This option will only include the upcoming events in the calendar.

Subscribe + To Calendar

By enabling this option, you can add the whole calendar to your calendar all in one click.

Filtered Feeds

You can create an unlimited number of filtered feeds using a combination of filter parameters. You can add &mec_locations=1,2,3 to the URL to filter events by location. You should insert the location IDs separated by commas. Additionally, to filter events by categories, you can add &mec_categories=1,2,3 to the URL. Similarly, to filter events by organizers, you can add &mec_organizers=1,2,3 to the URL to filter events by multiple organizers. Combining two or more filter parameters will filter events by all selected options.

Just a small reminder: to avoid any confusion with local time and daylight saving, please ensure that you set your timezone using the name of your city or another city within the same timezone.

11. Maintenance

  • Move to trash events older than This option will move events that are older than a certain amount of time to the trash.

  • Permanently delete events older than This option will permanently delete the events that are older than a certain amount of time.

12. Assets (CSS and JavaScript files)

Using this feature, you can have MEC’s assets under control. For instance, if you do not use MEC shortcodes on the Contact Us page, you can enable this feature to prevent the CSS and JS files from being loaded on that page.

How to Use Assets Per Page Option?

Go to MEC Settings > General > Advanced Tab and enable the check box.

General Settings

This feature is automatically enabled in the pages MEC creates by default, such as MEC Single Event Page, Category Archive Page, and Main Archive Page. But if you have put a shortcode on a specific page on your website, you must go to the WordPress dashboard’s page settings.

Look for the Include MEC Assets option. If you cannot find it, go to Screen Options (Classic Editor) or Options > Performances (Gutenberg Editor). You can enable it from there.

The MEC assets will be loaded on that specific page by checking the box.

Classic Editor

General Settings
General Settings

Gutenberg Editor

General Settings
General Settings

Following this procedure, you can determine where the assets should be loaded. This can help you increase the load speed of your website.

13. User Profile

Modern Events Calendar allows you to create user profiles to keep track of their activities on your website. Each user will have columns designated for attendee status, invoice information, and overall status.

To inform users of their booking status, use the provided shortcode. Place it on a page where they can easily access their dashboard. Once logged in and on the designated page, users will see a list of their event reservations.

Put the following shortcode into your desired page:


Use hide-canceleds=” 1″ attribute to hide canceled bookings:

[MEC_profile hide-canceleds="1"]

Use show-upcomings=” 1″ attribute to show upcoming bookings:

[MEC_profile show-upcomings="1"]
General Settings

14. User Events

With Modern Events Calendars’ User events feature, you can create a user events page so that users can have a record of their own events on the websites.

General Settings

You can select the desired skin in the dropdown for displaying user events.

Put the following shortcode into your desired page. Then users are able to see their own events.


15. Remove MEC Data on Plugin Uninstall

This option will clear all your data from the database after uninstalling the MEC plugin. If it is disabled and you delete MEC, your data will be kept in a database.

Archive Pages

Your Archive Pages consist of your event category page that can enhance your website’s structure.

General Settings

1. Archive Page Title

You can change your archive page title using this field.

2. Tag of Archive Page Title

This dropdown will let you change the HTML tag of the archive title (Heading 1 to 6, Division, Paragraph, Inline Bold Text, and Inline Text).

3. Archive Page Skin

You can select the template of your archive pages among the following skins:

  • Full Calendar

  • Yearly View

  • Calendar/Monthly View

  • Weekly View

  • Daily View

  • Timetable View

  • Masonry View

  • List View

  • Grid View

  • Agenda View

  • Map View

  • General Calendar

  • Custom Shortcode

4. Category Page Skin

You can select the template of your category pages among the following skins:

  • Full Calendar

  • Yearly View

  • Calendar/Monthly View

  • Weekly View

  • Daily View

  • Timetable View

  • Masonry View

  • List View

  • Grid View

  • Agenda View

  • Map View

  • General Calendar

  • Custom Shortcode

5. Category Events Method

You can select between “Upcoming Events” and “Expired Events” as your archive page events method.

6. Events Archive Status

If you disable this option, you should create an archive page for MEC with an identical slug to the MEC main slug. Also, it will disable all of the MEC rewrite rules.

What Is the URL of Your Events RSS Feed?

Just add “feed” to the end of the archive page URL (i.e.,

Click here to see a live example.

Note: If you have changed the archive slug, then the feed URL will be changed to “

How to Display Expired Events on The Archive Page?

Create a new shortcode and enable the “Include Expired Events” option in the shortcode settings, then navigate to MEC Settings > Archive pages > Archive Page Skin > Custom Shortcode and set your custom shortcode here.


Slugs/Permalinks settings in the Modern Events Calendar allow you to change the Main Slug and Category Slug. This is a helpful feature since you can have a unique and shareable address for each event. Moreover, ranks better in Google.

General Settings

Setup slug for the categories and main events:

  • Main Slug: Post slug is a post’s user-friendly and URL-valid name. Slugs are mainly used to create permalinks for posts.

  • Category Slug: You can change the base slug of the categories in this field.


You can change the currency for your event prices and their appearance in this part of the MEC plugin settings. Setup your event calendar currency options like the below:

General Settings


You can modify the currency for your tickets using this option.

Currency Sign

If you cannot find the currency label in the top dropdown box, you can manually add it here.

Currency Position

You can set where to display the currency label.

  • After the number

  • Before the number

Thousands Separator

Change the sign of the separator.

Decimal Separator

Change the sign of the decimal separator.

No decimal

Remove the decimals and show an integer.

Security Captcha

Securing the booking process is crucial in an event website, and Google reCaptcha options in MEC provide a reliable solution. To add it to your website, follow these steps:

General Settings

  • Enabling Google reCAPTCHA V2 will run a module for connecting to the site key and the secret key that the users must create using Google reCAPTCHA.

  • Enabling Google reCAPTCHA on the Booking Module simply by checking this option.

  • Enable Google reCAPTCHA on Front Event Submission for both registered and guest users.


The search bar allows the user to look for different events. For example, this can be placed on the event website homepage, and this way, the feature is added to your Homepage so that users can search for various events there. A search bar adds to your site’s SEO credibility, which is an essential compartment.

To set it up, go to MEC Settings and navigate to the Search option. Once you have set it up, you can use it on any page by simply adding the shortcode to that page. The shortcode will ensure that the function is displayed on that page.


Search Bar Basic

General Settings

You can also add a search by category, location, organizer, speaker, tag label, and a text field to the form.

Search Bar Advanced

General Settings

When the Advanced Search Option is enabled, MEC will automatically search and display events for the following month if no events are found for the requested month.


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