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Waiting List Addon
Waiting List Addon

Waiting List Addon enables you to create a waiting form after selling out the tickets, so people can reserve one in case one of the ...

Hakan Turan avatar
Written by Hakan Turan
Updated over 4 months ago

Waiting List Addon enables you to create a waiting form after selling out the tickets, so people can reserve one in case one of the attendees cancels their reservation. The people on the waiting list get transferred to the main list based on their reservation priority.

Waiting List Addon Preparation


In the first step, Ensure that both MEC (Modern Events Calendar) and the Waiting List Addon are installed and activated.

Read Also:

Waiting List Addon Settings

Once you activate the Waiting List Addon, a new menu will be added to MEC Settings > Booking called Waiting List.

Waiting List Addon

1. Limit: Total waiting that a user can book. It is useful if you’re providing the maximum user register on a waiting list. Leave it empty for unlimited waiting. Default: 12

2. Auto verification for waiting list: The user email submitted is default verify or send verify link to user email.

3. Auto Confirmation for waiting list: The user submits waiting, auto-confirm without being checked by the admin.

4. Send confirmation email in auto-confirmation mode: Users will receive a confirmation email that they have successfully been added to the waiting list.

5. Enable Express Attendees Form: Apply the info from the first attendee to all purchases waiting for that user. Uncheck if you want every waiting to have its own attendee’s info.

6. Verify & Cancel Page: Verify and Cancel Page Send link to waiter email, create a page and add [waiting_notif_page] shortcode, then select page.

7. Waiting List Form: Create a dedicated form for waiting users – similar to the form builder in MEC.

Note: If you need to modify the form for a specific event, go to Settings, and in the booking section, under the Waiting List Form tab, create a special form.

Waiting List

Also, to manage the outgoing emails, go to MEC Settings > Notifications. There are two sub-menus called Waiting Verification and Waiting Confirmation. You can run them just like the other notifications and use your favorite placeholders and HTML template for your emails.

Before using this addon, you need to consider two things:

1. This addon registers the waiting list as Pay Locally. So make sure you get the ticket fee.

2. Only the participants whose waiting list is verified and confirmed can have the chance to be reserved. Then, based on their priority in the queue, they get transferred to the

ttendee’s list.

In the verification email, there is a placeholder. If you have not checked the Auto Verify option and have deactivated it, this placeholder lets you update the reservation status of the user.

Confirmation is done manually unless you have activated Auto-Confirm.

If you want the users to be able to cancel their event(s), you can use the placeholder in the confirmation email. If the user needs to cancel, he/she clicks on the link and updates the status.

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