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Website Troubleshooting by Installing A Fresh Copy
Website Troubleshooting by Installing A Fresh Copy

One of the most common ways of troubleshooting a website is the Website Troubleshooting by Installing A Fresh Copy.

Hakan Turan avatar
Written by Hakan Turan
Updated over 3 months ago

One of the most common ways of troubleshooting a website is the Website Troubleshooting by Installing A Fresh Copy.

The modern Events Calendar (MEC) plugin is compatible with all WordPress standards and follows all security considerations. Each updated version of MEC is tested on multiple servers with different specifications before the public release so that the users are not expected to encounter any issues.

WordPress Event Website Troubleshooting

With all that into the account. Yet, you may experience conflicts with some plugins, and this is because checking compatibility with all the plugins in the WordPress repository is not plausible.

Therefore, you need to create a simple test environment to install the plugin on so that we can check for the issue, possibly fix it and implement it in future updates.
To perform this task, please follow the instructions below:

How to Install a Fresh Copy of WordPress and start troubleshooting?

The function of the fresh WordPress is not for us to prove whether or not the MEC plugin is working correctly and problem-free. Our team has already made sure of that part! The question is how installing a fresh and clean copy of WordPress helps us find the issue. Here is how it works:

1. After installing WordPress, enable the WordPress debug mode. It will cause a fatal error or any other warning to be displayed.

2. Checking the WordPress staging site can reveal what your host server might be lacking.

3. Activate the MEC plugin and only perform the procedure whereby you encountered the issue on your live site. (Use only MEC import and export features. Here you can find the explanation of how your settings and events can be transferred with just a few simple clicks.)

4. If you encounter an issue, check MEC settings. The problem may be related to MEC if there is no configuration error. In such a case, our support team will analyze the issue.

Some issues can be resolved on the spot. Others, however, will be forwarded to our development team together with a full report and fixed as quickly as possible; that is to say, at the most, by the next two updates. (In any case, we will focus all our efforts on fixing the issue as quickly as possible, preferably in the first update release.)

Follow these steps after WordPress event website troubleshooting:

At this stage, if there are no issues, implement the following instructions:

  • We will remove the theme and other plugins from your leading site. However, neither will we be activating plugins simultaneously nor changing the settings.

  • The first step is to re-activate the theme and look into the issue with the MEC plugin, as explained in step 4. If a problem is found regarding theme compatibility with MEC, our team will fix the compatibility issue.
    Remember that we always check MEC’s compatibility with popular WordPress themes.

  • The second step is to re-activate the plugins one by one and follow the steps above (steps four and 5-b). We need to check the default settings of each plugin. If it is not the default settings but the specific settings of one of your plugins causing the problem, the solution will be given accordingly. Otherwise, it may require compatibility with the conflicting plugin or the use of an alternative plugin.

  • If the default settings of the other plugins do not display any problems, in the third step, we will check the settings of any plugin with an import/export feature and perform the transfer using one plugin at a time and check the settings for the sign of error. If the settings on your site run smoothly while MEC displays an error, the issue will be forwarded to our development team immediately and resolved as expeditiously as possible.

If you have further questions about how to set up successfully an event website read our blog post.

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