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Single Event
Edit and configure details for individual events
Single Event SettingsManage your single event settings in the Modern Events Calendar. The basic tab allows the creation of new events with basic features ...
MEC Single SidebarIn order to enable the MEC Single Sidebar, you must navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
How to Add Event In MEC Plugin?To add an event using the Modern Events Calendar plugin, navigate to the WordPress dashboard and select M.E. Calendar > Add Event from ...
LabelsThe event labels are like a badge and are set on your event when you want to inform your participants of any news about the event ...
CategoriesCategories are used for the general grouping of your events, just like posts. It can be used to sort and group content into different ...
TagsTags are basically keywords for each page/article/event you create.
Tags are intended to be words or very short two or three-word phrases.