For installation of Modern Event Calendar first, you need to download this plugin, please log in to, and navigate to download tab. From there you can see license key URL and more details for downloading Modern Events Calendar or other Addo-on.

Now, for downloading the latest version go to the download link, and click in the Modern Events Calendar or Add-ons button in the Products section.

When you are ready to install the plugin, you must first upload the plugin files and then activate it. To do this, unzip the file that you’ve downloaded from Codecanyon and there you would find plugin files ( – or other and upload it via WordPress installer. The plugin files can be uploaded in two ways.

via FTP

  1. Unzip “” or “” file that you’ve downloaded.
  2. Upload plugin folder into “/wp-content / plugins/”.
  3. To activate the plugin, go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins and activate.

via WordPress

  1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  2. Click Add New and then hit Upload Plugin.
  3. Click on Choose File and browse for “” or “” on your computer, then click Install Now.
  4. The plugin will be uploaded and installed.
  5. To activate MEC, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and activate.