Total Booking Limits

Total Booking Limits enables you to set a threshold for selling a variety of tickets. Let’s make it clearer by an example. You can set an event and then set two types of tickets for it, a VIP and a Regular ticket. Now, we want to have 50 VIP tickets as well as 50 Regular ones, however, we intend to sell only a total of 70 tickets (there are 70 seats available in the hall).

Now, if the “total booking limits” is set to 70 (there are 70 seats available in the hall) and supposedly 50 tickets of the VIP ticket are all sold, then in this case only 20 tickets can be sold out of our 50 Regular tickets available.

It means that This booking feature in MEC gives you the ability to set a limit for a particular number of tickets to be sold.

  1. Check the box to make the number of available tickets to “Unlimited”;
  2. First, uncheck the box “number 1” and then write the amount of total available tickets out of the different types you have set.
  3. You can provide a discount per user role for ticket prices. The discount is in percentage.
  4. If you have a series of events and you want to sell all of them at once, this option is for you! For example a weekly yoga course or something similar. by enabling this option, the user will see some occurrence dates of this event in the booking form.
  5. You can show the booking form only at certain times before the event start. If you set this option to 30 then the booking form will open only 30 minutes before starting the event! One day is 1440 minutes.
  6. Email Verification: Booking Verification Notification informs the users that they had a reservation and obliges the users to verify their order. if you enable this option this notification will not send any more for paid bookings.
  7. Booking Confirmation: Booking Confirmation Notification ensures the users that they had a successful reservation. if you enable this option this notification will not send any more for free bookings.

Note: if the cost field is empty and the event doesn’t have any paid tickets, the event will be for free with unlimited capacity.

You have two options for your event’s booking: unlimited or limited tickets (total number of tickets).

User Booking Limits

This option is almost like the “total booking limits” option. but based on the user IP at first and then User Registration email. you can set a limitation from the booking settings or set a limitation for a specific event.