By enabling booking module service, Modern Event Calendar will be able to handle ticket services. Using the registration form you can easily build up your own form to get the information you need before processing payments. 

Date Options

1. Date Format: You can set an order for displaying dates in a shortcode. For more information please refer to All Date Format.

2. Maximum Dates: Maximum number of dates displayed on the booking form.

3. Date Selection: You can set the Date list on the booking form to calendar and Dropdown view.

Interval Options

4. Show Booking Form Interval: You can show the booking form only at certain times before the event start. If you set this option to 30 then the booking form will open only 30 minutes before starting the event!

5. Cancellation Period: You can restrict the ability to cancel bookings. Leave empty for cancellation at any time. For example, if you insert 5 hours before the event starts then bookers are able to cancel their booking before this time and after that, they’re not able to do that.

User Registration

6. Registration: If enabled MEC would create a WordPress User for main attendees. It’s recommended to keep it enabled.

7. User Role: MEC creates a user for the main attendee after each booking. The default role of the user is subscriber but you can change it if needed.

8. Username & Password: If you set it to manual option then users can insert a username and password during the booking for registration otherwise MEC uses their email and an auto-generated password.


9. Limit: Total tickets that a user can book. It is useful if you’re providing free tickets. Leave it empty for unlimited booking.

10. IP restriction: If you set a limit for total tickets that users can book, MEC will use IP and email to prevent users to book high tickets. You can disable the IP restriction if you don’t need it.

11. Lock Pre-filled Fields: When users are logged in, name and email fields will be pre-filled but users can change them. If you enable the lock, then logged in users cannot change the pre-filled fields.

Last Few Tickets Flag

12. Percentage: We will show a “Last Few Tickets” flag on events when remained tickets are less than this percentage.

Thank You Page

13. Thank You Page: User redirects to this page after booking. Leave it empty if you want to disable it.

14. Thank You Page Time Interval: Waiting time before redirecting to the thank you page. It’s in milliseconds so 2000 means 2 seconds.

Booking Elements

15. Enable Express Attendees Form: Apply the info from the first attendee to all purchased tickets by that user. Uncheck if you want every ticket to have its own attendee’s info.

16. Enable Invoice: if you enable this option, the user can download the invoice after booking in the frontend.

17. Enable Booking for Ongoing Events: if you enable this option booking will be available during the event.

18. Enable Downloadable File: By enabling this feature, You can upload a file for each event and bookers are able to download it after booking.

if this option is enabled, Adds the ability to add files to any single event.
You can send this file in the notification email using the place holder.

19. Auto verification for free bookings: Booking Verification Notification informs the users that they had a reservation and obliges the users to verify their order. if you enable this option this notification will not send any more for free bookings.

20. Auto verification for paid bookings: Booking Verification Notification informs the users that they had a reservation and obliges the users to verify their order. if you enable this option this notification will not send any more for paid bookings.

21. Auto confirmation for free bookings: Booking Confirmation Notification ensures the users that they had a successful reservation. if you enable this option this notification will not send any more for free bookings.

22. Auto confirmation for paid bookings: Booking Confirmation Notification ensures the users that they had a successful reservation. if you enable this option this notification will not send any more for paid bookings.

23. Send confirmation email in auto-confirmation mode: if you enable this option confirmation notification will be sent in any case.

Booking an event single should look like this.