Translating with Poedit

You can translate MEC plugin with four available tools. The tools available are GlotPress, Launchpad, and Pootle, but we’re going to use Poedit. Poedit is a free, easy-to-use, and open source program for Mac, Windows, and UNIX/Linux for editing PO files and generating MO files.

You can translate MEC on your site (online) with “Loco Translate” plugin.

Loco Translate provides in-browser editing of WordPress translation files. It also provides localization tools for developers, such as extracting strings and generating templates.

Translate MEC with PoEdit:

1. Install Poedit.

2. Open Poedit and go to File > New Catalog from the POT file.

3. A catalog property box will open asking for information about what you are translating. Enter the language you want to translate here; along with any other required details.

4. After you hit OK, you’ll be asked to name your translation file. The name is important because there’s a particular format you should follow for consistency. For example, if you’re translating Chinese to French, the file should be named “mec-fr_FR.po” (mec for MEC plugin, fr for the language, and FR for the country.)

Note: If you use the Modern Events Calendar Lite version, the name structure is: modern-events-calendar-lite-fr_FR.po and

Now, you need to save your file in the languages folder of your plugin.

5. Now we can start translating MEC. Poedit provides a simple and straightforward interface that does not involve a steep learning curve. On top, you will see the translatable file. Below it, there is a table where the source text is on the left and the target text on the right.

6. When you’ve finished translating, simply save your file. Poedit will automatically create both .po and .mo files in your plugin’s language folder.

7. Now that MEC is translated, you can upload it (of course, first you need to zip it again). You can either use FTP to upload the file or log in to your WordPress and upload it by going to Plugins > Add Plugin.

You can send your .po and .mo files to our support email address so that we can update our database to help other users with your language:

Here are some WPML tips:
1- First, the user must translate taxonomies into WPML. She/He can then translate his event into different languages.
Taxonomies like locations | organizers | speakers | categories | tags, and etc like modules
2- Translation of different fields is done with the help of String Translator. (WPML String Translation)

3- By default, the terms language is not selected when you install WPML. They must first be edited and their language specified. Then translate them into languages already added to the site. To translate, WPML has a built-in  tool that speeds up the translation process
WPML-> Taxonomy Translation

If you open it here and it doesn’t show you anything, it means that the default language for current items is not specified. You have to edit them and specify the current language for them
For example English as Current Language

Please Note:

Translation of dates, months, etc is done using the WordPress date_i18n function. This is the same way that your posts date and time translations would be done.

This means that to achieve date localization (translation) you should install the base WordPress translation files for each of the languages you wish to use.

The month translations supplied using the native WordPress internationalization. So you should be able to get those translations using a completed translation file.

WordPress already includes localized date formats. Please make sure that the WP .mo file is correctly installed in/wp-content/languages.

You can check this in WPML – Themes and Plugins localization

– Go to WPML -> themes and plugins localization.
– Enable “Translate by WPML” option
– Enable “WPML will automatically download WordPress translations” option.

Please check this link.