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Forum Rules

If the following rules and regulations are not followed in a topic, our team will have to terminate your topic and your question or thread will be removed from our forums:

1. While we will try to keep the forum active and preside over it, Webnus is not bound to reply to questions posted here within any timeframe. This forum is created to help users solve their own issues.

2. No Spam Advertising Self-promotionRefund-related topics in the forums.

3. Do not post copyright-infringing material which is not yours.

4. Do not post “offensive” posts, links or images or videos.

5. Do not cross post questions, and please avoid posting multiple copies of the same question in several forum categories.

6. Do not message directly to any other users asking for help. You can always reply to threads so, there's no need to directly message others.

7. Please note that inappropriate language directed towards Webnus, its staff, or other users will not be tolerated at all and your posts will be removed. If it continues, your account will be banned permanently.

8. Be descriptive and Don’t use “unreasonable” topic names.

9. DO NOT ASK OR POST usernamepasswordsemail addresses or phone numbers or any other personal details. This is a PUBLIC forum.

10. We are NOT responsible for comments by users other than Webnus staff and you should follow them at your own discretion.

Note: If the above rules are not followed carefully, all your topics will be removed and in case you own an account, your account will be suspended as well. Also, for more information regarding our rules and regulations you can refer to our Terms and Conditions page to learn more.