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Bugs in Modern Events Calendar Plugin

I am using MEC plugin for events on my client's website where I have noticed several bugs in this plugin. I hope the WEBNUS team will fix them for a better experience.

  1. A subscriber or any user with role less than "author" can't upload profile picture in User Dashboard ( available with user dashboard addon)
  2. To fix this, we need to grant the permission of "upload_files" to website user with role less than author, but a subscriber then can see all media in the media library. It's unacceptable and have serious privacy concerns too. A user must be able to see his/her own uploaded media in the library.
  3. When a permission to upload_files is granted, then a button "Add Media" appears on the description of Frontend Event Submission form. Clicking on that button opens Media Model where a subscriber can upload or see media files. There is an error occurs when uploading media file as it need more permissions to edit pages and posts. If so, a subscriber can even edit the website page which is a serious concern. 

Though I have managed to find a solution for it so far with custom coding. But I really hope MEC plugin developer can fix these ASAP. 

Anyone experiencing the same or any other bugs ?

1 person has this problem


Thank you for contacting us.

This is Mason.

I will create a ticket from this topic and our team will look into the issue and contact you about it.

Let us know in the online chat if you need anything else.


I also have this issue where a user set with subscriber can't upload an image for their event. Is there a public fix for this? Seems to be a very important issue if you want to allow users to upload their own events to your page.

Please create a ticket for this issue this is not something that can be helped here.

Thank you.