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List view not showing with monthly calendar

I am updating my website and have included a monthly modern calendar.  On the left side is the calendar and on the right should be a list of events.  If I click on each event, I do get the information;  however, what I'd like to see is an automatic listing of all the month's events Perhaps I've set this up wrong (shortcode [mec id="723"]).

In lieu of that, is there a way to make the calendar dots the category color.

Thanks, Reine

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1 Comment


Thank you for posting on our forum.

In the shortcode settings, there is an option called Display all events in right section. If you enable that you'll get what you want.

As for the other question, unfortunately that is not automatically possible you need to manually set the event color for events of a particular category.

You can submit this as a feature request here:

Let us know if you need anything else in the online chat on


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