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MEC Form Builder: how to change order of Email and Name?

 Hi, I'm using Elementor Form Builder to set up my booking forms.

I can't chage the order of the two very first fields: Email and name.

As you can see in the screenshot, I start with "Vorname" and "Strasse" but these fields are not the first ones to be displayed.

How can I change the order here?



The name and email fields are mandatorily on top. You cannot change those two's position.


Webnus Team

Thanks, but I don't like that very much :-) Why is that in the first place?

Please consider more flexibility for you users as I'd like to decide on my own, where to put which filed. Would be great if that could be changed in the future. Thanks and have a great day.

Please consider submitting a feature request for that:

Our team will consider that and add it in future updates.

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